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Minority Mental Health and Tools to Maintain and Move Forward

The Tools Up Foundation is committed to empowering minority youth and young adults with essential skills and opportunities to establish a sustainable livelihood in the construction industry. We understand the unique challenges that black indigenous people and communities of color face when working to achieve success, receive equal and fair compensation and opportunities that reflect their expertise, and enjoy a high quality of life overall.  

July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (also known as BIPOC Mental Health Month). This annual observance raises awareness of the challenges that affect the mental health of racial and ethnic minority groups including our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

At the Tools Up Foundation, we recognize the importance of maintaining positive mental health and are intentional about incorporating strategies in our programs to give participants an outlet to navigate potential challenges. 

Our holistic approach to education, training, and community revitalization includes mental health check-ins for our TUF Teens program participants and supportive services to help our young adults construct and realize their potential. One way we do this is by offering ‘Family Meal Time’ - providing space for youth to come together, share openly in a safe space, and build community. 

According to the CDC, more than 1 in 5 US adults live with a mental illness and many people from racial and ethnic minority groups have difficulty getting mental health care. Mental Health America reports that 19.5% of youth (ages 12-17) live with major depression and 59.8% of youth with depression did not receive any mental health treatment.

Tools Up is working proactively to help address minority mental disparities by equipping our youth with tools to support their mental health including education, training, and holistic support to realize their full potential. Every step of the way throughout program participation, the youth and young adults that we serve are equipped with skills development that extends beyond technical knowledge. We also equip them with tools to navigate life challenges like leadership skills, cultural exposure, and opportunities to address and discuss other mental health aspects and concerns with their peers.

We’re committed to continuing to support optimal mental health for the youth we serve by remaining intentional in our programming and resource and opportunity sharing. You can help us by donating to our programs and using the following tips to advocate for and support the mental health of minority youth in your life.

§  Educate yourself on the mental health challenges and disparities facing minority communities

§  Be an active and empathetic listener when youth and adults of color share their lived experiences

§  Be a positive influence by encouraging and supporting efforts to process emotions

§  Expose youth to knowledge and resources to maintain and protect their mental, social and emotional wellbeing

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